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Tailwind Flexbox Generator

Generate Tailwind CSS classes for your Flexbox layouts

Controls the direction of flex items in the container

Justify Content

Official Documentation

Controls alignment of items along the main axis

Controls alignment of items along the cross axis

Controls whether flex items wrap onto multiple lines

Controls spacing between flex items

Number of Items

Item Color

Responsive Settings



Generated Classes

flex flex-row justify-start items-start flex-nowrap gap-4
One time price

Tool Introduction

Welcome to our advanced Tailwind CSS Flexbox Generator – a neat tool designed to help you create flexible, responsive Tailwind layouts with precision and ease. This generator allows you to visually design and configure Tailwind Flexbox layouts while automatically generating the corresponding Tailwind CSS classes. With support for responsive breakpoints and all major flex properties, you can create sophisticated layouts that adapt seamlessly across different screen sizes.

How to Use Tailwind Flexbox Generator

  • Configure container properties (direction, wrap, justify, align)
  • Adjust spacing and gap between flex items
  • Set the number of flex items and customize their appearance
  • Enable responsive mode to create breakpoint-specific layouts
  • Configure different flex properties for each breakpoint
  • Preview your layout in real-time
  • Copy the generated Tailwind classes
  • Apply the classes to your HTML structure

Benefits of the tool:

  • Visual layout design without memorizing Tailwind classes
  • Real-time preview of your Flexbox layout
  • Comprehensive responsive design support with breakpoint controls
  • Interactive learning tool for Flexbox concepts
  • Direct links to official Tailwind documentation
  • Clean, optimized Tailwind CSS output
  • Support for all major flex container properties
  • Mobile-first responsive design approach
  • Visual feedback for layout changes
  • Easy-to-use interface for complex flex configurations

What is Flexbox in Tailwind CSS?

Flexbox is a powerful layout model in CSS that Tailwind makes accessible through utility classes. It provides a more efficient way to lay out, align, and distribute space among items in a container, even when their sizes are unknown or dynamic.

How do the responsive settings work?

The responsive settings allow you to create different layouts for different screen sizes. When you enable responsive mode, you can select a breakpoint (sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl) and define specific flex properties that will only apply at and above that screen size. The base settings will apply to smaller screens.

What are the available breakpoints and their sizes?

Tailwind provides five default breakpoints: sm (640px+), md (768px+), lg (1024px+), xl (1280px+), and 2xl (1536px+). These breakpoints follow a mobile-first approach, meaning the styles apply from the specified breakpoint and up.

How does flex direction affect the layout?

Flex direction determines the primary axis along which flex items are placed. "Row" arranges items horizontally (left to right), "Column" arranges them vertically (top to bottom), and their reverse variants flip the order while maintaining the same axis.

What's the difference between justify-content and align-items?

Justify-content controls alignment along the main axis (defined by flex-direction), while align-items controls alignment along the cross axis. For example, in a row layout, justify-content affects horizontal alignment and align-items affects vertical alignment.

How does the gap property work?

Gap creates consistent spacing between flex items. The value represents the space between items, not around them. In our generator, gap values are in increments of 0.25rem (4px) following Tailwind's spacing scale.

Can I customize individual flex items?

Yes! While our generator focuses on container properties, you can add additional Tailwind classes to individual items to control their flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis, order, and alignment properties.

How does flex-wrap affect the layout?

Flex-wrap determines whether items should wrap onto multiple lines when they exceed the container's width. "No Wrap" forces all items onto a single line, "Wrap" allows items to flow onto multiple lines, and "Wrap Reverse" wraps items in reverse order.

Are the generated layouts accessible?

Yes, the layouts follow standard HTML flow and maintain proper source order. However, when using order utilities or reverse variants, ensure the visual order matches the logical order for screen readers.

Can I combine these classes with other Tailwind utilities?

Absolutely! The generated flex classes can be combined with other Tailwind utilities for padding, margin, width, height, background, etc., to create more complex layouts.

How do I handle different layouts for print media?

While our generator focuses on screen sizes, you can add Tailwind's print modifier (print:) to any of these flex utilities in your code to create print-specific layouts.

What browsers support these flex properties?

Flexbox is supported in all modern browsers. The Tailwind classes generated by this tool work in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and other modern browsers, including their mobile versions.