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Keyboard Event Javascript Information Tool

Get detailed information about javascript keyboard events, key codes, and generate code snippets instantly.

One time price

Tool Introduction

The Javascript Keycode Info tool is an advanced utility for developers working with keyboard events in web applications. It provides real-time, detailed information about keyboard events, including physical key locations, character codes, modifier states, and automatically generates implementation code. With features like event history, pausable recording, and comprehensive event data dumps, it's an essential tool for developers working on keyboard interactions, game controls, or accessibility features.


  • Real-time key event information display
  • Complete modifier key detection and combination display
  • Interactive 10-event history with full details
  • Auto-generated code snippets for JavaScript and React
  • TypeScript type definitions generation
  • Comprehensive event data dumps
  • One-click code and data copying
  • Pausable event recording
  • Physical key location detection
  • Character code information
  • Event timestamp tracking
  • Support for all keyboard layouts

Common Key Codes Reference

Key CodeKeyCodeUnicodeDescription
8BackspaceBackspace\u0008Backspace key
9TabTab\u0009Tab key
13EnterEnter\u000DEnter/Return key
16ShiftShiftLeft/ShiftRightShift key (left or right)
17ControlControlLeft/ControlRightControl key (left or right)
18AltAltLeft/AltRightAlt/Option key (left or right)
19PausePausePause/Break key
20CapsLockCapsLockCaps Lock key
27EscapeEscape\u001BEscape key
32 Space\u0020Space key
33PageUpPageUpPage Up key
34PageDownPageDownPage Down key
35EndEndEnd key
36HomeHomeHome key
37ArrowLeftArrowLeftLeft arrow key
38ArrowUpArrowUpUp arrow key
39ArrowRightArrowRightRight arrow key
40ArrowDownArrowDownDown arrow key
41)Digit0\u0029Right parenthesis
43+Equal\u002BPlus sign
45InsertInsertInsert key
46DeleteDeleteDelete key
47/Slash\u002FForward slash
480Digit0\u0030Number 0
491Digit1\u0031Number 1
502Digit2\u0032Number 2
513Digit3\u0033Number 3
524Digit4\u0034Number 4
535Digit5\u0035Number 5
546Digit6\u0036Number 6
557Digit7\u0037Number 7
568Digit8\u0038Number 8
579Digit9\u0039Number 9
60<Comma\u003CLess than
61=Equal\u003DEquals sign
62>Period\u003EGreater than
63?Slash\u003FQuestion mark
64@Digit2\u0040At sign
65aKeyA\u0041Letter A
66bKeyB\u0042Letter B
67cKeyC\u0043Letter C
68dKeyD\u0044Letter D
69eKeyE\u0045Letter E
70fKeyF\u0046Letter F
71gKeyG\u0047Letter G
72hKeyH\u0048Letter H
73iKeyI\u0049Letter I
74jKeyJ\u004ALetter J
75kKeyK\u004BLetter K
76lKeyL\u004CLetter L
77mKeyM\u004DLetter M
78nKeyN\u004ELetter N
79oKeyO\u004FLetter O
80pKeyP\u0050Letter P
81qKeyQ\u0051Letter Q
82rKeyR\u0052Letter R
83sKeyS\u0053Letter S
84tKeyT\u0054Letter T
85uKeyU\u0055Letter U
86vKeyV\u0056Letter V
87wKeyW\u0057Letter W
88xKeyX\u0058Letter X
89yKeyY\u0059Letter Y
90zKeyZ\u005ALetter Z
91MetaMetaLeftLeft Windows/Meta key
92MetaMetaRightRight Windows/Meta key
93ContextMenuContextMenuContext menu key
960Numpad0Numpad 0
971Numpad1Numpad 1
982Numpad2Numpad 2
993Numpad3Numpad 3
1004Numpad4Numpad 4
1015Numpad5Numpad 5
1026Numpad6Numpad 6
1037Numpad7Numpad 7
1048Numpad8Numpad 8
1059Numpad9Numpad 9
106*NumpadMultiplyNumpad multiply
107+NumpadAddNumpad add
108,NumpadDecimalNumpad decimal
109-NumpadSubtractNumpad subtract
110.NumpadDecimalNumpad decimal
111/NumpadDivideNumpad divide
112F1F1F1 key
113F2F2F2 key
114F3F3F3 key
115F4F4F4 key
116F5F5F5 key
117F6F6F6 key
118F7F7F7 key
119F8F8F8 key
120F9F9F9 key
121F10F10F10 key
122F11F11F11 key
123F12F12F12 key
144NumLockNumLockNum Lock key
145ScrollLockScrollLockScroll Lock key
160^ShiftRight shift key
161!Digit1\u0021Exclamation mark
164$Digit4\u0024Dollar sign
165¥IntlYen\u00A5Yen sign
186;SemicolonSemicolon/Colon key
187=EqualEqual/Plus key
188,CommaComma key
189-MinusMinus key
190.PeriodPeriod key
191/SlashForward slash key
192`BackquoteBacktick/Tilde key
219[BracketLeftLeft bracket key
220\BackslashBackslash key
221]BracketRightRight bracket key
222'QuoteQuote key
223`BackquoteBacktick key
224MetaMetaLeftLeft Meta key
225AltGraphAltGraphAlt Graph key

Note: Some key codes may vary depending on keyboard layout and browser implementation.

What information does this tool provide?

The tool provides comprehensive keyboard event information including key codes, physical key locations, character codes, modifier states, timestamps, and automatically generates code snippets for both JavaScript and React implementations.

Why would I need this tool?

This tool is essential for developers working on keyboard shortcuts, game controls, accessibility features, or debugging keyboard event handling. It helps understand exactly how different keys and combinations are interpreted by the browser.

How does the history feature work?

The tool maintains a history of your last 10 key presses, each with complete event information. You can click on any historical entry to view its full details and code snippets, making it easy to compare different key events.

What types of code snippets are generated?

The tool automatically generates code snippets for vanilla JavaScript event listeners, React event handlers, and TypeScript type definitions. These snippets include proper handling of modifier keys and are ready to use in your projects.

Does it work with all keyboard layouts?

Yes, the tool works with any keyboard layout and shows both physical key locations (code) and the actual character (key) that would be typed, including international keyboards.

How does the tool handle modifier keys?

The tool accurately detects and displays all modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Meta/Command) and their combinations. It shows both the individual keys and the complete key combination in a readable format.

Can I pause the key recording?

Yes, you can pause and resume key recording at any time using the recording control button. This is useful when you want to focus on analyzing specific key events without new ones being added.

Is the event data copyable?

Yes, all information including the full event dump and code snippets can be copied to clipboard with a single click, making it easy to use the data in your development work.

How accurate is the key code information?

The tool provides real-time, accurate information directly from browser keyboard events, including all standard properties defined in the Web API specification.

Can I use this tool for game development?

Absolutely! The tool is particularly useful for game developers as it provides detailed information about key states, physical key locations, and modifier combinations, which are essential for implementing game controls.

Does it work on mobile devices?

While the tool works on mobile devices, it's most useful with a physical keyboard as it shows detailed keyboard event information. Touch events are not currently supported.