Product features

Folge is full of cool features, perks and goodies to help you create the best step-by-step guides and tutorials. These are the best ones

Folge can capture your Windows or Mac screen in many ways. Start the capture mode, and with cropper, you can capture a specific part or the whole screen. You can pause and select different areas at any moment. If you are unhappy with the result, remove and redo the screenshot on the fly.

Capture on mouse clicks, keypresses, or key combinations
Capture the whole screen or a specific part
Capture only the window you are working with
Capture a sequence of screenshots or just a single one
Simple screenshotting mode to grab part of the screen
Delay screenshots, automatically mark click points
Automated annotations to prefill step titles
Capturing a region
Capture active window
Capture active window
Add step context on fly
>Add step context on fly

Folge's editor is the heart of the app. It is split into three parts: Steps List, Image Editor, and Properties Sidebar. Steps can be moved and reordered by dragging and dropping, and this is organized in nested instructions. The Image Editor provides a wide range of tools to modify your screenshots as you need them. And finally, each step can be titled and given a description that will be exported in the final guide.

Organize steps in an ordered list: nest, delete, hide, duplicate
Set status for each step: in progress, to-do, done for better indication
Add new steps on the fly from new captures, existing images, clipboard content, or have no-image steps
Step description is a rich WYSIWYG editor; unlimited possibilities for communicating your ideas
Built-in spellchecker for step description
Export step image to clipboard or image file with one click
OCR: select and grab any text from the image. Extract text in seconds and use it in step description
Add images on top of the step image
Create multi image steps
Add alerts, information or warning text blocks
All your guides at a glance
All your guides at a glance
Editor UI
Editor UI
Steps List
Steps list
Image Editor
Image Editor
Step Properties
Step Properties

Use one of multiple tools to add context to your screenshots. Each tool can be adjust as you want: colors, width, special properties

Basic tools
  • Rectangle
  • Ellipse
  • Line
  • Arrow
  • Expanding arrow
  • Free draw brush
  • Text — use all fonts you have installed
  • Tooltips ( speech bubble )
Advanced tools
  • Step numbers — ideal for tutorials
  • Blur - hide sensitive or unrelated information
  • Highlight - highlight important part
  • Magnify - zoom in at any detail
  • OCR - grab any text from an image
  • Pixel perfect Crop
  • Bulk Crop

Once you are ready to share your documentation, step-by-step guide, or tutorial with your users, colleagues, or the world, you have remarkable customization and export options. Folge lets you export your guide in one of 7 formats in just one click. Each of them has rich customization options to make the final result how you need it. See examples of each export

Export formats
Fully customizable Cover Page for PDF with an easy to use drag and drop editor
Embed HTML exports in Confluence, SharePoint, or your existing knowledge base
Rich HTML format with step completion checkbox and floating ToC
JSON format to transform output in your formats
Use custom CSS rules for PDF and HTML formats
Specify font, color, size, and style of each UI element
Markdown format for your GIT repository or knowledgebase
Save export settings as templates for quick styling
Export as online guide with Folge Cloud
Embed online guides as widgets into any page or knowledge base
Cover Page Editor NEW!
Cover Page Editor
Fonts and colors
Fonts and colors
Quirks and Features
All guides are stored inside the app, can be organized in folders, and are easily searchable by name
With two clicks, backup your guides as '.flgg' files and move them between your computers, and restore there
Schedule automated backups to local or remote locations.
Security. Everything is stored on your device, and nothing is uploaded and shared to the cloud, just like back in the good ol' days.
Quick actions. Just hit Ctrl(Cmd) + / and quickly navigate the app
App is available in 🇬🇧 English, 🇫🇷 French, 🇩🇪 German, 🇪🇸 Spanish, 🇳🇱 Dutch, 🇵🇹 Portuguese, 🇮🇹 Italian languages.
Folge is a multiplatform app.
OSX >10.10, or Windows (64-bit only) 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Separate builds for Apple Silicon and Intel chipsets
Free version or full app for a one-time price with all future updates and features.
Folge Cloud
Folge Cloud is an optional addon giving Folge online powers 💪
Export guides as online pages and share with anyone anywhere
Embed guides as functional widgets into any web page or knowledgebase
Publish guides directly into Confluence
Drawing Moonlanding

Start creating your documentation right now!

Folge is a desktop application. Download and use it for free forever or upgrade for lifetime features and support.

Looks like you are on mobile phone. Click here to send yourself download links for later
System Requirements: Windows 7 ( partial support), 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (64-bit only). OSX > 10.10. Available in 🇬🇧, 🇫🇷, 🇩🇪, 🇪🇸 , 🇮🇹, 🇳🇱, and 🇵🇹/🇧🇷 languages.
The Gold Standard Of Guide Creation
Jonathan, Product Director